Sanem Kalfa Miraculous Layers

Wednesday, June 21, 2023 - BIMHUIS

Haunting melodies and powerful rhythms in a mix of jazz, pop, folklore and improvised music: that sums up the style of Sanem Kalfa’s band Miraculous Layers. The absence of a bass instrument creates a particular music environment. Every performance is different because of the experience of the improvisers, who choose a different take on the songs and written melodies every time they perform.

Sanem Kalfa is a singer, improviser, composer and cello player based in Amsterdam, born in Trabzon, a city on the Black Sea coast of northeast Turkey. These roots led to the album Black Sea Songs (2021), an intense exploration of traditional songs from this region.

Special attention to drummer Sun-Mi Hong from Korea: the audience can hear her twice at InJazz 2023, since she also plays along with Alto For Two, the alt saxophone duo Kika Sprangers and Irene Reig. Notice Hong’s meditative approach to playing and her signature of rooted groove in combination with well-tempered outbursts.

Sanem Kalfa – voice/cello/electronics
Tineke Postma – alt/soprano saxophone
Marta Warelis – piano
Sun-Mi Hong – drums

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