‘But, I am not Hans Zimmer’ – A session about the Imposter Syndrome
Thursday, June 17, 2021 -
While several media composers might think: ‘But, I’m not Hans Zimmer’, it’s true that Mr. Zimmer himself more than once doubted his own work and/or expertise. In your daily work you meet every deadline; you are praised by all your clients, and you may have even won one or multiple awards. Nevertheless, there is always that voice in the back of your mind thinking: ‘When will I fail? When will everyone find out, I’m not as good as I claim to be?’. Well, ladies and gentlemen, please meet the ‘Imposter Syndrome’. It’s a well-known phenomenon that often results in which people set the bar ridiculously high and continuously underestimate themselves and their performance. For example, you feel like you are competing with reference tracks, you don’t have an official degree in media composing or you don’t dare to call yourself a media composer. How do you deal with that?
During this session we dive into the imposter syndrome that’s specifically aimed at media composers, artists, and producers. It’s time we start talking about this! Panelists Jenna Fentimen (Head of Creative, Manners McDade, UK), Daisy Colle (Composer & Co-Founder, Two Twenty Two, UK), Vréneli Stadelmaier (Author & Carreer Coach, SheConsult, NL), Seppl Kretz (Creative Director & Head of Music Production, Sizzer, NL) and Renger Koning (Composer, NL) open up about their experiences and share their view on the imposter syndrome.