Redbourg Group

Friday, June 26, 2020 -

Rich in classical harmony, floating melodies and ripping guitar lines. With the Redbourg Group, bandleader Yuri Rhodenborgh connects his two passions: music and highlining. Highlining is balancing on a 2 cm wide piece of polyester line hundreds of meters up in the air between cliffs or buildings. In other words: Redbourg Group makes music full of unexpected turns! This will bring you to to the heights Yuri finds himself at when practicing this sport.

At the end of Yuri’s bachelor in 2016, he wanted to explore the vast realms of composition, so he started a master at the Conservatory of Tilburg. Also, the Redbourg Group was formed. Ever since, the band has grown together musically as well as personally, recorded an EP and an album and performed all over the Netherlands. Kurt Rosenwinkel, Julian Lage, Reinier Baas, Maurice Ravel, Olivier Messiaen and Claude Debussy are big influences. Yuri: “We are in search of the boundaries of modern jazz with the help of classical music, finding our inspiration in nature.” Their new album ‘Bridge The Gap’ was released on Zennez Records.

Yuri Rhodenborgh – guitar
Koen Smits – trumpet
Wietse Voermans – alto saxophone
Lucas Martínez Membrilla – tenor saxophone
Denis Baeten – drums
Marijn van de Ven – double bass

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