Mundus Quartet

Thursday, June 25, 2020 - BIMHUIS

The music of Mundus Quartet combines the heritage of timeless traditions stemming from the broad world of contemporary modal, Makam and Sufi music originated from the Silk Road.

Mundus Quartet was founded in 2019 in the Netherlands, with musicians coming from different corners of the world. Their music is just as diverse as their origins, blending colourful soundscapes from Byzantine era, Minor Asia, Mediterranean and Balkan sounds to improvised contemporary music elements. The musicians, anchored in a vigorous tradition, are in phase with todays world and more than ever receptive to other musical styles.

Their goal? Mundus Quartet: “To carry on the tradition of modal composition from a contemporary perspective. Mundus Quartet is the expression of the beauty of modality and the rich world of rhythms.”

Emine Bostanci – kemenche and vocals
Sjahin During – percussion
Juliano Abramovay – fretless guitar and oud
Bence Huszar – cello and effects

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