Jan Geijtenbeek trio feat. Thomas Pol & Niek de Bruijn

Thursday, June 25, 2020 - BIMHUIS

Lighthearted (jazz-)music with a strong melodic character and well-balanced compositions. Dutch pianist and composer Jan Geijtenbeek finds inspiration in works by Amhad Jamal, as well as Mendelssohn or Bob Dylan. Jan: “I love all honest music.”

The pianist met Thomas Pol (bass) and Niek de Bruijn (drums) in the Wedgeview Studios in 2019. He was looking for a fresh start with a new trio and it clicked from the start. The inspiration for the compositions come from the simple things in life: working, traveling, taking a walk through the woods, meeting people and sharing a meal.

In 5 years Jan hopes to play and tour a lot with his music and trio. Not only within the Netherlands but also abroad. Jan: “This showcase at inJazz might be a great first step in achieving that dream. Also, I hope that my music will be featured in commercials and movies.”

Jan Geijtenbeek – piano
Thomas Pol – double bass
Niek de Bruijn – drums

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